Sunday, February 7, 2010

Couch to 5k Challenge (aka C25K)

This past week I decided to start the Couch to 5k Challenge. Better known as the C25K. I am not a runner by any means but this challenge promises to take you from being a couch potato to being able to run a 5k in just 9wks. You only workout 3 days a week and it builds you up so you don't feel like you are dying on day 1.

Week 1 Day 1 I decided to run around my house because, frankly, where else was I going to run. The babies (and the dog) loved it. They followed me around thinking I was playing with them and it was great. I downloaded these podcasts that tell me when to walk and when to run so I didn't have to pay attention to the time. My legs weren't sore the next day and I was already thinking about running again.

Week 1 Day 2 I thought I would go running outside. Snow on the ground but not too cold and a friend at the house able to watch the kids... so why not. I got all geared up and headed out. I got to the stop sign, turned right and started to head up hill. At this point I was still doing my 5 minute warm up walk so it was going great. Then I started my 60 second run and let me tell you... I am not an outdoor, cold weather, wind in your face runner. I thought I was going to die. I made it back to my house and came back in to finish my run inside. The dog didn't even think twice about it today. Apparently the novelty already wore off for him LoL

Week 1 Day 3 will come tomorrow and that will be the end of Week 1! I cannot wait to see how I handle Week 2. I have heard several people have to repeat a week and I do not doubt that I will need to as well. Like I said, I am so not a runner (I mean, I'd probably be the dumb blonde that gets killed first in the horror movie)


Sasha said...

The Couch to 5K Plan is awesome and is how I "learned" to run as well. I was never a runner either, and I definitely repeated weeks, especially 4 and 5 I think. Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes for you.

Tia Colleen said...

Yess! Thats awesome that you're doing it.

I did the C25K last summer/fall, and it whipped me right into shape. I had never ran even 1/4 mile in my life, not even as a kid, and finally I could RUN. I remember my first winter weather run. Ugh. It was 22 degrees outside, but I loved it. I'm not the run-inside kinda person, I could never step foot on a treadmill, it feels like such a chore.

I'm trying to imagine your running around the inside of your house, and its cracking me up. Dodging laundry baskets and bookshelves, haha. Or maybe you have a really big spacious house and its a breeze. You'll have to take a picture for us to get a better idea, hee hee.

Rock your c25k!

C. Beth said...

How's the C25K going for you, Bri? I think it's awesome that you are running inside! So cool! Do what WORKS for you!

(Yes, running in wind is HARD. Especially when you're tired.)

mkellas said...

Bri, Are you still keeping it up? Both you and Beth inspired me to start! I am in the 2nd week...I had to go back a week because my sister wanted to start with me!