Thursday, September 25, 2008

You Can Call it Fall

if that's what you please. But I say, I like Autumn. And Autumn has made it's arrival.

I stepped outside at 2pm and my goodness, I was cold. I had to come back in and put on a sweater just to go check the mail. It's only 66 degrees... and cloudy. No sun at all. Big difference from yesterday when a light teeshirt was all that was needed and most days is WAY too much clothing.

Go ahead... laugh at me. I know I've been in the south WAY too long. Below 70 is now too cold... and anything above 70 is too hot. How will I ever move away? Oh, I know... the Army will send us somewhere else, and preferable somewhere with fewer (and smaller) bugs.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Nope they are the same size bugs at Ft Rucker. <:hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint:> enough? no oh ok move to ft rucker!!!!! It's better to move as a couple than alone LOL