Monday, June 28, 2010

Movie Review Monday

Toy Story 3:
We went last Tuesday to see TS3 and everyone loved it. Of course if you read last week's post you would know that it didn't start out all that great since I am pretty sure Sarah Jessica Parker was NOT in any of the Toy Story's LoL
Toy Story 3 is the final installation of the Toy Story Saga and it was just as good as the others, IMO. This movie was about Andy being all grown up and having to decide what to do with all his toys. After a mix up landing all the toys at Sunnyside Daycare, Woody must convince them they were not meant for the trash and help them return to Andy's house. Toy Story 3 is about love, friendship and sharing. Anyone who has ever seen any Toy Story should see this one and it is definitely worth the price to see in theaters. All of the kids sat through it and didn't make a sound. We cannot wait for this to come out on BluRay. It is one of the best trilogies of all time (again, in my opinion).

My kids love Toy Story so much that they have to have just about anything Toy Story related. We have the Toy Story 3 book with CD in the car, two Buzz umbrellas, Woody and Jessie dolls and numerous Toy Story themed pajamas that we have accumulated over the years.

And in the deepest voice he could muster, Adam says first thing this morning: "I'm Sheriff Woody!" Although he would have preferred the Buzz pjs (which they didn't have in his size), you can see how happy he is with these ones that daddy bought him yesterday at Wally World for only $9!

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